10 years of FOSS@RIT: 3M+ lines of code, 374 contributors, 476 PRs

Hey folks!

I made a first attempt at building out metrics about the last 10 years of FOSS@RIT on GitHub. I thought you would find this interesting:

About github.com/FOSSRIT

  • 374 unique contributors
  • 7,576 git commits
  • 11,957,819 file changes made
  • 3,308,477 lines of code added to FOSSRIT
  • 2,479,799 lines of code removed from FOSSRIT
  • 476 pull requests created
  • 700 issues created
  • ~13.6 days: Average time to close a PR
  • ~57.4 days: Average time to close an issue

Top git repos by commits:

  1. fortunehunter: 1,056
  2. prodstud: 1,003
  3. Open-Video-chat: 604
  4. charsheet: 575
  5. shalom-street-Toy: 457
  6. Nova: 397 (cc: @jlew)
  7. posse: 375
  8. HowToFOSS: 288
  9. gdd2: 249
  10. lemonade-stand: 228

Try it out!

This dashboard is publicly hosted. You can play around with different date ranges and options here. Have fun. :slight_smile:


Iā€™m just scratching the surface on what we can do here, but this was an exciting first start! Curious on what other folks think about this.

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