Testing post by email

This is a test of creating new threads via email on the Discourse site.


Awesome, this feature of Discourse is now confirmed to work! Replying by email should also be enabled for replying to existing conversations.

Each Discourse category has a special email address that can be used to post new threads. They are formatted as follows:

post-<category slug>@fossrit.community

For example, post-tech@fossrit.community creates a new post in the Technology and Open Source category. In order for your post-by-email to come through, you must send the email from your email address associated with your Discourse account.


(jubilation, but also a test)

(I will try to remember to trim replies much more heavily when so replying but we’ll leave all the stuff below, for now.)

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Works! :partying_face:

So long as you top-post your reply, I think Discourse trims it for you. It would be worth testing out. It trimmed my signature on my original post for this thread.

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Getting back into the Discourse site for a variety of reasons.

I seem to recall that it took a while to get email configured to work in both directions but that @jww came through with that, I just don’t remember when exactly!

Anyway, tl;dr: test

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I’ve tried to reply to this thread just now via email (and to a couple of others, earlier this morning) but none of them seem to be landing, alas.

I tested from my email and it also doesn’t work. I’m not sure what is wrong. It would require poking around with the Discourse site email settings and the DigitalOcean droplet this site is running on.

But I’m not sure what the term and focus of this site will be going forward. I always hoped it could be a possible replacement for our async proprietary online presences, but I haven’t seen engagement around the management of the Discourse site and it appears we’ve doubled down on using Google Groups for most FOSS@RIT communications now.